About Outlier Solutions Group

Outlier Solutions Group exists because nothing else fit the spaces we work in.

The pace of knowledge development and speed of availability has increased exponentially in the last twenty years, necessarily leading to increasing degrees of specialization and knowledge silos.  While this often translates to deep domain knowledge in specific areas, that same specialization loses the magic of integration at the "seams".  We integrate soft-skills, human factors, and complementary domain knowledge into a single, powerful foundation for a range of practices.  We then finish with a "long lens" look back to precipitating factors and forward into second, third, and fourth order effects.

"Defined Endstates" are our North Star for training, practice, and skills development.  With clearly defined goals and outcomes in mind, a scaffolding exists that allows for heuristic approaches, reduces unintentional harm, and cuts through the noise to find the signal.  We exist to enable you "at the edge" - the training you receive here will set you up to succeed in environments and situations that are rarely considered in the mainstream training pipelines.  Whether you're an event volunteer, a member of an at-risk community, a professional in one of the domains we serve, or something else entirely, we prepare you to excel when you least expect it, and when it matters the most.

Practical Approach

"If it doesn't work in the real world, it doesn't belong in the training".  We train you to succeed in the ways that matter, and clearly define the ways in which you can measure your success.  Lessons written in blood should never 

Targeted Cross-Domain Training

We blend the best from a range of experiences, and produce targeted training for prehospital and austere medicine, non-traditional risk management environments, and more.

Constantly Evolving

We're constantly improving our practice, and we'll push those benefits to our learners.  As we get better, so do you.

Our mission is to empower you to be ready before the moment arrives.

Rather than hoping someone rises to the occasion, we'd rather ensure that you fall to the level of your training - and keep that fall a short one
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Our Partners

Get to know us

The Team

We have a team of instructors made up of professionals from different
fields who share their knowledge to help you get started in data science.

"Captain Adam" Meyer

Operations, Prehospital and Austere Medicine, Event Planning, Risk Management, Incident Command, Training, Organizational Development, Bystander Care, Logistics, Fringe Events and Communities, Systems Analysis & Design

Noel "Shepherd" Lemen

Spiritual / Behavioral Health, Crisis Chaplaincy, Hospital Chaplaincy, Compassionate Care, Instructional Design, Spiritual Direction, Practice Design, Event Planning, Fringe Events & Communities

James "Goombah" Tollett

         Firearms, Range Safety, Training & Course Development, Use of Force, Security & Security Operations, Operational Design, Conflict Management & De-Escalation, Risk Assessment, Threat Assessment.

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